Wild greens are one of the most complete foods that mother earth has to offer to its creatures. They have been growing for millions of years now, wherever there is fertile ground, without any human effort or intervention. Iron, calcium, vitamins, minerals, dietary fibers, antioxidants and thousands of other valuable substances exist in the hundreds of different varieties of wild greens.
In reality wild greens are medicine, that has been scientifically proven can help in the healing of diseases such as diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure amongst others. At the same time, they constitute a gastronomical paradise as they encorporate almost every known taste, texture and aroma that our palate can distinguish. Bitter, sour, salty, delicate or rough wild greens can be combined harmonically with meat, fish and pasta without “drowning” their taste.
Even though wild greens are valuable, they are also just as sensitive to the environmental conditions that may affect their taste and their nutritional value or even make them dangerous for our health. The basic factor that in the past few years, has affected their quality the most, is the extensive use of chemicals in the agricultural sector which have polluted the ground and the waters allover in Europe. Moreover, the wrong collection and storage methods may also accelerate natural food’s disintegration. In Radiki, we have combined folk wisdom with technology and we have developed a complete system for managing the edible flora that guarantee the maximum quality of the greens that reach your table.